New user to HA here. I recently purchased an ODROID N2+ 4GB to convert my new home from the Honeywell Pro Series that was installed. I came from Smartthings, but left it with my previous home as a selling point. But, as someone who enjoys tinkering, I decided to try HA. Needless to say, I am very impressed.
I have successfully installed the Aeotec series 7 USB hub with the latest firmware. I have integrated my thermostat, flood sensor, multiple temperature sensors, and, lastly, my door lock. I have utilized Z-Wave JS for all of these integrations. I am running the latest version of everything.
Now onto my problem. I have a Kwikset HC620 lock that came with my home. The lock is connected to Z-Wave JS using S2-Authenticated security. I can lock, unlock, and see various statistics of the door. But, I am unable to program user codes from the User Code v2 values area. When I try to do this, the User Code number seems to spin indefinitely. I also see the error, “Driver: userCode has the wrong type (ZW0322).”
Does anyone know what might be going on here? Or can you perhaps help point me in a helpful direction? I am a bit confused at this point.