I have a problem to boot with my SSD on HASSOS.
I read a lot of topics about boot from USB and I did not find the same behavior.
I have a raspberry Pi 4 - 2 Go with an updated firmware (version of 28/10/2020).
The SDD is a SDD from Aliexpress (KingSpec 128 Go).
The used HASSOS image is hassos_rpi4-64-5.8.img.xz.
When I try to boot with my SSD flashed with HASSOS 64, the PI loops with this error “USB MSD timed out after 20 seconds”
I plugged the SSD on the USB 3.0 and on the USB 2.0 of the raspberry and it is the same behavior.
But, when the SDD is plugged on the USB 3.0, the raspeberry displays USB2 message !
To be sure of the flash process, I flashed the HASSOS image on another device (SATA disk with USB box) and it works.
To be sure the SDD works, I flashed Raspeberry PI OS on the SDD and it works.
So I do not arrive to identify the origin of this dysfunction.
Someone has an idea ?