I just did a fresh install of the new hass.io image that now woks with the RPI 3 B+ (yeah). I was never able to get the z-wave working with my previous installation. I decided to give the Z-Stick another go after doing a factory reset on both the z-stick and the multi-sensor 6. It seems to be recognizing the z-stick just fine, but the multi-sensor keeps showing up as a unknown_node_2. I have unpaired and repaired the multi-sensor a couple of times. I have also tried removing the node, repairing the network and then adding the node back, but keep getting the same results. I am beginning to wonder if I just got a bad multi sensor. Below is the status being reported for the two devices. Has anyone else had issues getting the multi-sensor to be recognized by the s-stick? Any suggestions on how i might fix this?
zwave.aeotec_zw090_zstick_gen5_us ready node_id: 1
node_name: Aeotec ZW090 Z-Stick Gen5 US
manufacturer_name: Aeotec
product_name: ZW090 Z-Stick Gen5 US
query_stage: Complete
is_awake: true
is_ready: true
is_failed: false
is_info_received: false
max_baud_rate: 40000
is_zwave_plus: false
capabilities: beaming,listening,primaryController
neighbors: 2
sentCnt: 2
sentFailed: 0
retries: 0
receivedCnt: 0
receivedDups: 0
receivedUnsolicited: 0
sentTS: 2018-07-26 17:56:36:977
receivedTS: 2018-07-26 17:56:36:668
lastRequestRTT: 0
averageRequestRTT: 0
lastResponseRTT: 0
averageResponseRTT: 0
friendly_name: Aeotec ZW090 Z-Stick Gen5 US
zwave.unknown_node_2 dead node_id: 2
node_name: Unknown Node 2
query_stage: Probe
is_awake: true
is_ready: false
is_failed: true
is_info_received: false
max_baud_rate: 40000
is_zwave_plus: false
capabilities: beaming,listening,routing
sentCnt: 4
sentFailed: 3
retries: 0
receivedCnt: 0
receivedDups: 0
receivedUnsolicited: 0
sentTS: 2018-07-26 17:56:45:451
receivedTS: 2018-07-26 17:56:36:668
lastRequestRTT: 0
averageRequestRTT: 0
lastResponseRTT: 0
averageResponseRTT: 0
friendly_name: Unknown Node 2
Andrew J