I’ve been running the home assistant OS (2024.1.4) and recently lost my discovered kasa tp-link devices. I am unable to discover them when I attempt to add a kasa integration via the GUI, even if I provide its static IP. I found threads like this (TP-Link Kasa Integration not working. Device status shows "Failed setup, will retry". · Issue #103977 · home-assistant/core · GitHub) that recommended I permit UDP traffic at ports 9999 20002. Both my HA computer and device are behind the same AT&T router so I assumed there weren’t any restrictions. I added a rule in my router config to permit udp traffic over port interval 9999-20002 as well as disabled all packet filtering, also to no avail.
I don’t know if this is necessarily a kasa problem or a symptom of a broader network issue. Kasa switches are inaccessible, as are roku and an ecowitt device. I am able to use ping and traceroute to reach devices from my laptop (upper window in image below), but pings fail from the home assistant terminal for all destinations except for my laptops:
So you can ping your laptop from HA, your devices from your laptop? Any chance you fat fingered the net mask on your HA system? Is there a difference of some going over wifi and some going over wired? I.e., your HA is wired but the devices and laptop are wireless? Have you tried rebooting your access point?
Obviously there’s something odd because, according to your ping results, everything should work. Is this HAOS or docker or what?
So you can ping your laptop from HA, your devices from your laptop? Any chance you fat fingered the net mask on your HA system?
First part is correct; I didn’t manually configure any of the network settings for HA so I don’t think the masks should be misconfigured.
Is there a difference of some going over wifi and some going over wired? your HA is wired but the devices and laptop are wireless?
Maybe - I’ll scrounge around for an ethernet adaptor for the laptop and report back.
Have you tried rebooting your access point?
…here’s where I admit that I’m an idiot and neglected the first rule of computer troubleshooting. I reset (and factory reset) my devices, scanned logs, updated and rebooted my HAOS, etc. I did -not- reboot the router. That fixed the issue.