Buy 3 generic lamps by Aliexpress that connect by Smartlife, I could configure them to 2 without problems, but one, it does not make a slight flashing like the others and I can not connect it to wifi, I made countless hard reset (on-off) but None worked, I’m very new to this and I don’t know if there will be any solution, I hope your answers, thank you very much
the lamp turns on and off like a normal led lamp
if all three lamps are the same, and one wont even pair to the app and wifi, it is probably faulty
Is there any way to repair it with a hard reset or a flash?
if you are happy to flash it yourself, you might as well try the various tasmota posts on here.
I’ve not tried, as I’m nervous bricking my light switches…
How do you expect anyone to know how to reset it without even telling us what exactly you bought?
Thanks for your answers, but in this special case, he’s almost dead, that’s why it’s worth flashing there, hahaha
I bought 3, 2 I could pairing them, but one does not make any flashes