Problem with Xiaomi Gateway lumi.gateway.v3: no gateway discovered


I have problem with Xiaomi Gateway lumi.gateway.v3 but Mi Home App work fine. I install image on Rasberry Pi3 B+. I use only Windows and Mac and this is the first time for me to step up for other OS.

2018-11-07 23:13:42 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup of xiaomi_aqara is taking over 10 seconds.
2018-11-07 23:14:22 ERROR (SyncWorker_6) [homeassistant.components.xiaomi_aqara] No gateway discovered
2018-11-07 23:14:22 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup failed for xiaomi_aqara: Component failed to initialize.

I try to search troubleshoot and follow the instruction but nothing changed. Here are my config and setting.

I use iPhone to add gateway in Mi Home App.

  discovery_retry: 10
    - mac:
      key: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Make sure you have [enabled LAN access] -->Done
  • Turn off the firewall on the system where Home Assistant is running. -->Done
  • Ensure your router supports multicast as this is a requirement of the Xiaomi Gateway. --> My router is D-Link DIR859 and I already enable multicast steam both IPv4&IPv6 (not sure is it the same thing)
  • Try to leave the MAC address mac: blank.–>Done
  • Try to set discovery_retry: 10 . -->Done
  • Try to disable and then enable LAN access. -->Done
  • Hard reset the gateway: Press the button of the gateway 30 seconds and start again from scratch. -->Done
  • If you are using Home Assistant in Docker, make sure to use --net=host . --> don’t know what does it mean and how to do it.

I am not sure what I am missing to make HASS can find Xiaomi Gateway


I try to switch to other router and use android to add gateway instead of iPhone. Error still occur. I decide to order a new one tomorrow.

Change a new gateway wihout update firmware; now is 1.4.1_150, and they can see each other.