i’ve been trying to setup my Smartthings hub with Home Assistant running on a Raspberry Pi 3b+
Yesterday i was getting one error, then today, i’m getting an entirely different error:
additionally, im not sure i have HTTPS set up correctly? as i get a “not secure” warning when trying access my local site.
i can provide any other screenshots needed. i’m not new to raspberry pi’s, web server configuration, nor development. i’ve been a software engineer and database architect for over 20 years. and worked with raspberry pi’s for nearly 3 years. i’ve got several running with many different configurations. it’s home assistant that seems to be giving me problems.
i apologize in advance, as a new member on this forum, i am only able to post one image, so i had to clump everything together.
After restarting home assistant, i get this error:
when i click “open website” it takes me to smartthings to login. after logging in with my samsung account, i get the “strongman” unrecoverable that i was getting yesterday.
looks like i’m not the only one with this problem. i found a github issue logged also a couple of days ago with home assistant concerning the exact same issue:
the solution is to remove the “theme=smartthings” parameter from the strongman api call.
I’ve had this issue. But it was not related to the theme=smartthings as stated above as it was not in my url from the smartthings integrations.
But what I found is where I had this previously added the smartthings integration with the token and with the CasaNabu trial. When I removed the smartthings integrations and the CasaNabu after the trial and used my own domain and ddns service, I could not then add back in the Smartthings integrations because I was getting the strongman error. I found that there were 2 files left behind that was stopping the integration from adding because of the previous authorization. There files are called “cloud” (CasaNabu cloud) and “smartthings” as pictured below and these are stored in the system config folder under config.storage. Delete these 2 files and restart. If you are using CasaNabu your need to re-add this again and then re-add smartthings again with a new token.
Tried all the other suggested fixed and none of them worked for me.
Seems like when you had the Nabu Casa Subscription or Trial running and switched to i.e. duckdns then there are some leftovers that needed to be deleted in order for SmartThings to work properly