Problems with deCONZ. Should I switch to ZHA or ZZH?

I’ve been using Conbee II with deCONZ on HA for over a year and everything works just fine until it always just ends up not working anymore. The lights start flickering when controlling a group or everything stops working completely. Restarting deCONZ both on supervisor side (addon) and on the integrations usually fixes the problems. Sometimes I end up rebooting the whole raspberry. Needless to say it’s pretty frustrating.

I have maybe 30 lights, a bunch of remotes, some trådfri motion detectors and some temperature sensors and leak detectors. Ikea Trådfri, Ledvance, Aqara (temp and leak sensors) and Nedis climate sensors.

I need my light groups to work and I do have plenty of automations that I’d rather not create from scratch if it can be avoided.

Will I shoot myself in the foot by switching to ZHA or ZZH if I want more reliability? Or is there something I could do to make deCONZ more reliable.

Had similar outages with Conbee and ZHA. Just switched to Zigbee2MQTT and love it so far.

Just add this to the default config file when add it as add-on (use your own MQTT server IP):

  server: mqtt://
  adapter: deconz
  port: >-

Regardless of the solution you want upgrade firmware on your Zigbee Coordinator adapter and put it on a long USB extension cable connected to a USB 2.0 port or via a USB 2.0 hub (and not USB 3.0).

Also consider adding a few dedicated Zigbee Router devices such as the IKEA Tradfri Signal Repeater product or buy a few ITead Sonoff Zigbee 3.0 Plus dongles and reflashing with Zigbee Router firmware.

Zigbee devices have a relatively short range and are very sensitive to interference so regardless of the solution be sure to set up the best possible environment by avoiding interference and adding routers.

Obviously, issus and delays can be caused by interference or a weak Zigbee network mesh so should always be sure to follow tips regarding interference and having many of Zigbee Router devices. Read:
