Problems with input_boolean items; unable to turn_on or turn_off

Since beginning use of Home-Assistant (starting with 0.30.2) I have been having trouble with the input_boolean platform.

I have several input_boolean switches configured, and they show up properly in the HA gui as expected.

When trying to turn them on or off, then briefly change state in the UI and then change back again, to the value set in the “initial:” configuration parameter value. No errors are being logged or anything, when toggling the state. Same behavior by issuing a turn_on or turn_off service call: nothing ever happens on these input_booleans.

Also other parts of my HA installation have gone very well (have about 60 Z-Wave devices, etc). The input_boolean items are the only things that are defying my understanding.

Has anybody else seen an issue like this, and what may be the cause of the problem i’m experiencing?


My config file

    name: Evening Lights
    initial: on
    icon: mdi:weather-night

    name: Motion-controlled Lights In Evening
    initial: on
    icon: mdi:brightness-auto

    name: Keep Silent (No Sirens) When Alarming
    initial: off
    icon: mdi:volume-off

    name: Flash Lights When Alarming
    initial: on
    icon: mdi:led-variant-outline

    name: Change state when people leave house
    initial: on
    icon: mdi:human-male-female

    name: Test Button
    initial: off
    icon: mdi:adjust

    name: TestButton2
    initial: off

It would help to see the automation code that you’re using to change the value of the boolean.

When you said:

Did you mean that they won’t accept a change via the UI as well?

Could it be a case issue? I have all of my input_boolean’s named with lowercase and underscores rather than camelCase.

To clarify, I am unable to change it from the UI. I have also tried service calls with the same result (nothing happens with the input_boolean state, and no errors logged)

I just tried changing the case in the config file, and the behavior did not change.

    name: Evening Lights
    initial: on
    icon: mdi:weather-night

    name: Motion-controlled Lights In Evening
    initial: on
    icon: mdi:brightness-auto

    name: Keep Silent (No Sirens) When Alarming
    initial: off
    icon: mdi:volume-off

    name: Flash Lights When Alarming
    initial: on
    icon: mdi:led-variant-outline
    name: Change state when people leave house
    initial: on
    icon: mdi:human-male-female

    name: Test Button
    initial: off
    icon: mdi:adjust
    name: TestButton2
    initial: off

My suggestion was to change configEveningLights to config_evening_lights

Just guessing. But it’s weird that you can’t change them via the UI.

For testing purposes, I reduced my input_boolean section to this:

    name: My Test Button
    initial: off

It worked! Could change value in ui.
Then I slowly (full HA-restarts between) started adding my old entires back, until my config section now looks like this again. Everything is working.

    name: My Test Button
    initial: off
    icon: mdi:weather-night
    name: My-Test Button 2
    initial: off
    icon: mdi:brightness-auto
    name: My-Test (Just Testing) Button 3
    initial: off
    icon: mdi:volume-off
    name: Evening Lights   
    initial: on
    icon: mdi:weather-night
    name: Motion-controlled Lights In Evening
    initial: on
    icon: mdi:brightness-auto
    name: Keep Silent (No Sirens) When Alarming
    initial: off
    icon: mdi:volume-off

… and so on.

I think there was a bug i encountered but it’s difficult to tell exactly what was triggering it!

You should probably report that has a bug. I wonder if all entity_id’s need to be lower case. If that’s the case, then you should at least raise an error in the log file.

Glad I found this one! It’s indeed the capital letter is causing it.

I confirmed the bug