Problems with Pi/Home Assistant Setup

Hello; Installed PI OS using Raspberry imager to 8GB card, successful. Connected 3 in 1 hdmi to USB C to amazon fire tabel with USB A for power and get no connection to Pi… Cables verified are good. Opened command window on PC and ran arp & nslookup ip to verify Pi is connected to my network. Not sure why but arp is reporting 2 ip addresses for 1 Pi. Tried to connect to http://homeassistant.local:8123 and http://both_ip’s:8123 and get NoDomain or Connecteion Refused errors. To be sure, cleared arp table and ran again - same 2 ip’s. Tried re-flashing ssd - same. Not sure what’s going on: Can’t use fire tablet as display and can’t connect to home assistant. Please help

First the recommended SD card size is 32gb, this may be the issue. Although I feel 8GB card will allow the install OK. Generally with RPi issues its the SD card or power supply. Why not just plug it into your PC monitor to see what is happening?

An 8 GB card is highly likely to run out of space.

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I apologize…had a definete senior moment; I have 8GB or RAM & 128GB SD. But in response to Arb that’s part of my problem…USB to USB nor USB C to Micro Hdmi displays or connects Pi to monitor.

Update: I’ve also reimaged SD with and without pre-configuring Pi imager. Either way, same response.

Thank you for your assistance!

This probably needs dedicated drivers, which are not available on HA OS

Thanks for your response, but even if I could find the drivers I wouldn’t be able to add to Pi since I have no way of administering Pi. Also thought about xrdp and enabling a remote desktop but same issue how to install on Pi.

Also thought of buying Pi 7" monitor but with all the flack about no output from Pi 4 with Pi OS thought it might be a waste of money

You don’t have a TV or monitor that you can just directly connect via HDMI? Other than troubleshooting issues like you’re experiencing, there’s never really a need to have a screen attached.

All needed administration on HA OS is done using a webbrowser on another PC, and in rare cases through SSH (e.g Putty on Windows)

I got so excited I forgot to respond. I was able to connect using old tv monitor and I’ve been playing with setup ever since. Thanks to all who reached out as I’m merrily on my way!