Problems with zwaveJS2MQTT

Hi There :slight_smile:
I have decided to change my setup from the old OpenZwave system to the new one.
Im running Home Assistant in Ubuntu (Running on ESXi) and have uninstalled the old “container” with OpenZwave. After this I have installed ZwaveJS2MQTT from this guide (as container):
ZwaveJS2Mqtt (
But it seems like the system has issues “picking up” the USB dongle (aeotec).
See my screenshoot:

I took a snapshot of my VM before uninstalling the old container - and if I revert to that old snapshot the USB dongle (aeotec) works! - so I guess that dongle is working fine.

can anyone tell me what im doing wrong from the screenshot?

You have a typo in your device path in the zwavejs2mqtt configuration. Instead of -if00 you used _if00.

OMG! that was embarrassing - sorry!