Profiling für dashboards and cards

Certain dashboards consume excessive amounts of ressources (CPU, RAM).
Debugging those is a pain in the rear because there are no tools to support this properly and it’s mostly a trial and error work.

It would be great, if HomeAssistant would offer an “enable profiling” option, which would display the ressources each card consumes.

Something similar to what is available for integrations would be great:

Every web browser has a development console. Press F12 and go to the performance tab.

This is no solution for an every day user.
This is something for developers, not for end users.

Debugging a user interface is never going to be simple.

It should be simple enough, that the end user is at least able to tell “this card is causing issues”.

The resources are used at the frontend.
HA is running in the backend.
There is no way to do that profiling other than add frontend scripts, which will be resource heavy and probably hide the real issue

The browser developer tools are the way to do this.