Project - integrate HA with Node-red, Zigbee, Telldus and electrical system (Nordic-Systems)

Centralize technique via HomeAssistand

  1. control ports/switches in electrical central over HTTP XML integration via Node-Red. (Nordic-systems)
  2. measuring circulation in water floor heating, via ESP8622 NodeMCU
  3. mesuring room temperatur via Zigbee sensor (HAT RaspBee 2)
  4. control light via z-ware/433mhz and Zigbee (Telldus and RaspBee 2)
  5. control and mesure Nibe 750 heat pump via MQTT (H60 husdata gateway)
  6. mesure temperatur and circualtion in the pool via EPS8622 and DS18b20 sensors.

I built my house 7 years ago. I chose an smart alternative electrical system that resemble KNX but is controlled with weak current wire switches and relays in the central. The system can be programmed via a simple app, such as toggle, scenario and schedules. In this project, I want to control the electrical system via HomeAssistant, connect wireless sensors and switchs and bulid automation and scenarios. The electrical systems do not have an API or other protocol. By i have looking at the traffic between the app and the central as well as opening the APK file, I know that HTTP GET commands are in use.

Screenshot from HA Node-red

Traffic from app