Centralize technique via HomeAssistand
- control ports/switches in electrical central over HTTP XML integration via Node-Red. (Nordic-systems)
- measuring circulation in water floor heating, via ESP8622 NodeMCU
- mesuring room temperatur via Zigbee sensor (HAT RaspBee 2)
- control light via z-ware/433mhz and Zigbee (Telldus and RaspBee 2)
- control and mesure Nibe 750 heat pump via MQTT (H60 husdata gateway)
- mesure temperatur and circualtion in the pool via EPS8622 and DS18b20 sensors.
I built my house 7 years ago. I chose an smart alternative electrical system that resemble KNX but is controlled with weak current wire switches and relays in the central. The system can be programmed via a simple app, such as toggle, scenario and schedules. In this project, I want to control the electrical system via HomeAssistant, connect wireless sensors and switchs and bulid automation and scenarios. The electrical systems do not have an API or other protocol. By i have looking at the traffic between the app and the central as well as opening the APK file, I know that HTTP GET commands are in use.
Screenshot from HA Node-red
Traffic from app