Hello all,
New HA user here, running Hass.io (4.15) on Oracle VM Virtual Box. If any experienced users of ESPHome/yaml could please advice, I would be greatly appreciative and esp.ecially grateful!
My objective is have some sensor value mapped proportionally (linearly) to a stepper motor, controlling it’s variable position when the sensor value exceeds a fixed threshold value.
Below is the config which was successful for a simple ‘go to absolute target’ type function, but produces an error message in it’s current form (Can’t use floats for stepper.set_target). The sensor T-values are floats, therefore the mapped step position values (0 -> 50) are also floats and of course, steppers need ints!
The crux: could anyone please advise how to round down or constrain those mapped step positions to ints, or, if there’s another way to track sensor value accurately - I’m open to all suggestions.
I’ve omitted basic config blocks.
sda: 4
scl: 5
scan: True
id: bus_a
- platform: bme280
name: "BME280 Temperature"
- calibrate_linear: // Linearly mapping a sensor range to the range of step positions
- 22 -> 32 // An arbitrary 10 degree range above my sensor threshold to act
- 0 -> 50 // The range of step positions (from closed to fully open)
on_value_range: // Automation code
- above: 22.0 // Threshold above which to track position
- stepper.set_target:
id: a1_stepper
target: calibrate_linear // The mapped variable
- below: 22.0
- stepper.set_target:
id: a1_stepper
target: 0 // Closing the valve when T < threshold
oversampling: 16x
name: "BME280 Pressure"
name: "BME280 Humidity"
address: 0x76
update_interval: 2s
- platform: a4988
id: a1_stepper
step_pin: 14
dir_pin: 12
max_speed: 20 steps/s
Thanks for any advice in advance!