Hi, I have been struggling with node red in homeassistant to get it to connect to the mariadatabase again.
Since a power failure 2 days ago I had to reboot everything, but since then the MySQL option in NodeRed is continuing to give the error “protocol sequence timeout.”
So, it worked fine for over 2 years, after power failure no connection.
Tried removing it, and added it again, rebooted everything again, found a setting for connection-timeout is maria db, was 10 s, set it to 100s. Still nothing…
2 days later, lots of hours, anyone ???
Hi, that also had stopped functioning. After checking out a second home-assistant on a raspberry pi 3 that I use for testing stuff, and that worked just fine, I ended up creating an entirely new deployment on a new vmware server. Finished it last night, did a backup/restore of the homeassistant and now the database connections work again. I run MariaDB external on a NAS and all the history came back fine to.(with a gap of 2 days…)
Only strange thing is, that all node red entity id’s are screwed up. they came back as new sensors with _2 at the end, but that I dont care. will fix that today.