I am nog quite sure where to post this on this community, but I am looking for some information about my set-up.
Currently HA is running in a VM in Proxmox on my NUC, which was my first time using Proxmox. This is also where I need help.
I want to add the following:
- DSMR reader
- Zigbee (zigbee2mqtt?)
- Z-Wave
- Maybe something like pi-hole
These items I want to use in HA.
I actually don’t want things to stop when for example Home Assistant is unresponsive. Should I make a new VM for each of them or what is my best approach?
Thanks in advance!
If you want everything split out, you could make a Debian or Ubuntu VM and install Docker on it. Everything there is available as a Docker container except maybe DSMR reader - not sure what that is.
I personally still run Home Assistant in Docker. Never saw a need to migrate to the full OS, but my setup is similar to yours with Proxmox on an old NUC.
Do you have maybe some guidelines I can follow to make this possible? I am not quite into this material (yet) 
I also read about the possibility to add a CT (instead of VM). Is this only possible in certain cases? And what are (dis)advantages or is it something completely different?