PSA: If switching to qt-openzwave and have Leviton DZPA1 outlet modules (and maybe other Leviton devices)

There is a critical bug in the current master branch of open-zwave that results in the module flooding the network with messages due to the module claiming it supports v2 reporting when it doesn’t actually. There is a fix already committed but until it comes out I’ve posted a docker image of qt-openzwave rebuilt with this patch included, built for Rasberry Pis (linux-arm):

Any idea when a patched version of this might make it to the Home Assistant’s builds? I’m running on a NUC so RPi version won’t help in my case. I’ve been waiting for this patch so I can switch to the OpenZWave integration, but I’ve got a lot of Leviton switches and they suffer from this problem.

I can’t even figure out how to tell what version of the daemon the integration is going to use to check myself if the patches have been pulled in.


No idea on the add-on builds. The patch is already in the docker images from qt-openzwave and the patch is fully accepted, so the next build for HA should have it, if it doesn’t already.