Push notifications broken?

I just realized that push notifications seem to have broken, and I don’t know when it happened. I use them very infrequently but have one for when there’s motion on my front porch.

In the log, I get:

ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.automation.matt_push_notify_front_porch_motion] Error while executing automation automation.matt_push_notify_front_porch_motion: Unable to find service notify.mobile_app_matt_vs996

The automation:


  - alias: 'Matt Push Notify Front Porch Motion'
      - platform: state
        entity_id: binary_sensor.front_porch_recent_motion
        from: 'off'
        to: 'on'
      service: notify.mobile_app_matt_vs996
        #title: 'Front Porch Motion'
        message: 'Front Porch Motion'
          ttl: 0
          priority: high

I gather maybe something changed with the syntax in some past update that I missed but I can’t make heads or tails of the dev-menu what device to target either. We have multiple people with the same model phone and now I only see one listed in the dev-menu and it doesn’t specify which phone it is.

…both our phones are model vs996 (LG V30), and they are still named in the app integration as expected.

I’m having a hard time finding how to make this work again and most community posts seem to be using the old way like I did that was working.

How do I begin troubleshooting?

I had the same issue and noticed that the mobile apps were missing from the notification service. I just ended up restarting all of Hassio and they showed back up.

Unfortunately I’ve already gone thru multiple restarts of HA and even the whole host to no avail. Seems like its maybe changed the names back to just the device model instead of our names I’d customized?

It also happens to me since I updated from 2022.6.7 to 2022.8.0, the smartphone notification service is missing.
I discovered that if when I restart HA the smartphone is not reachable (weak / discontinuous connection) then the notification service is not created, among other things it takes longer to restart; on the other hand, if the phone is reachable, HA recharges faster and the notification service will be present and functioning.
Since I skipped version 2022.7.x I have no idea if something changed from there or with version 2022.8.0 … for now I have not found any valid solution.

That’s really bizarre…so if anyone with access isn’t home or their phone is in deep-sleep they can’t get notifications?

I’ll have to play with some restarts and see if that makes any difference but that’d be absolutely bizarre if it was the case. I’m on HassOS with Core 2022.7.7 at the moment.

I have seen that if when I start/reboot the phone is reachable then I will not have problems with notifications even if the mobile phone is unreachable.

Interesting. I do have a very reliable Telegram bot so maybe I’ll just move the couple push notifications I had over to that instead.