That’s’ it!. I changed the notification name after several tries just in case it was wrong (it was pushbullet)
and forgot to change it in the automation.
I add a google home message too. So the code now is the following. Now I am looking if possible to make the google message to repeat until 30 seconds until the sensor is in off state
Ideally ai would like to raise the voice of google home at 70%. Do you have any ideas how I could achive that?
- id: test Water Leak
alias: Kitchen Water Leak
platform: state
entity_id: binary_sensor.water_kitchen_sensor
to: 'on'
- service: switch.turn_on
- service: notify.pushbullet_notification
title: 'Kitchen Water Leak'
#target: 'device/mySmartphone' #See Pushbullet integration for usage
message: "Water Leak!!"
- service: tts.google_translate_say
entity_id: media_player.living_room_speaker
message: "Water Leak"
yeah, I get that but can you please just humor me and post those configs again? I want to make sure there are no copy errors…or even errors on my part…
maybe the announcement takes longer to complete than the 5 seconds you have the timer set for. I know if my echo’s are still talking when I trigger another announcement they will just ignore the second one.
Sorry! I was testing the automation the wrong way. I was triggering it from the fronted. When I poured water on the sensor it worked. Again sorry and thanks for your help and your time!
Create an Alert that monitors the state of binary_sensor.water_kitchen_sensor. When the state changes to on, the Alert sends a notification every 30 seconds 1 minute (or whatever interval you desire). It offers other options you may find useful including the ability to acknowledge the alert notification.
I set my notification system up a long time ago and i’ve just never revisited it. It was easy enough at the time to do it that way. And I thought there was some reason why I never used the alert integration in the beginning but I can’t remember what the reason was now.
Maybe I’ll look into switching it over some time.