Pv aurora PowerOne (ABB)


I see this integration

but I don’t know if i need to simply connect the aurora to my home assistant Raspberry PI with USB cable, or if i need a RS485 converter.
I have a Aurora PVI 5000


I did it using a Raspberry Pi with USB to RS485 converter. My inverter is an Aurora PVI 6000.
I’ve been using 123solar for several years but it was no more supported by developers since few years ago. I think this integration is good but several signals miss, for ex. voltage and errors the most important from my point of view.
Hope this can help you.

Is it possible to set a baud rate to 9600 for this inverter?

@spanky The baud rate in the integration is fixed to the default configuration of the inverter, as this was the most straightforward for most people. Is there a need to change it?

I would like to do the same but i don’t want use a usb cable in my nas (home assisant is installed)…so I have a elfin ew11 (wifi)…is possible use it?