Qubino Smart Plug 16A incorrect wattage 536,870.9 W when device is off

Have searched the internet but cannot find the answer :frowning: hopefully some can help me.

Have three Qubino Smart Plug 16A with incorrect wattage
I created a automation to refresh the the wattage every 10 seconds.
but the consumption keeps jumping between 0 W and 536,870.9 W even do the devices is off.


tried multiple configs on the devices

when the devices is on it seems to work correctly :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I don’t have a solution, but all I can say is that the one of these devices I bought worked fine. (Although I had to stop using it because our oven drew more than 16A on its fast warm-up mode and the Qubino would shut off and refuse to go on until unplugged/replugged…)

I had similar problem in the past with one of my Qubino’s, solved by:

Exclude → Factory reset → Include again

Also did a factory reset but did not work.
For know created a separate template sensor to get normal results.

    friendly_name: 'Wasmachine Plug Watt Real'
    unique_id: wasmachine_wattage_real
    unit_of_measurement: 'W'
    device_class: power
    value_template: >-
      {% if states("sensor.attic_washing_machine_electric_consumption_w") | float(0) <= 3600 %}
        {% set gridin = states("sensor.attic_washing_machine_electric_consumption_w") %}
        {{ gridin }}
      {% elif states("sensor.attic_washing_machine_electric_consumption_w") | float(0) >= 3600 %}
        {% set gridin = "0.0" %}
        {{ gridin }}
      {% endif %}