After updating to 2025.1.3 my qubino flush dimmers stopped working. I get the message:
“This entity is no longer being provided by the zwave_js integration. If the entity is no longer in use, delete it in settings.” and no remote action is possible, weirdly enough it still logs status changes.
Does anyone know if this is a temporary issue or if I should look into replacing them?
If so any advice on what devices to use instead (I use them to dim halogen spots so a TRIAC dimmer is neccessary).
That’s not how Z-Wave works in Home Assistant with Z-Wave JS. Devices are not “supported” on a product-by-product basis. They are supported as long as they follow the Z-Wave specification, and won’t ever lose support.
I would second the suggestion to re-interview the device, the message reported means the information from the driver used to create the entity is no longer present. Re-interviewing will possibly bring that information back. However, someone with another model of this device recently reported a similar issue, so it could just be a bug in Z-Wave JS.
I have two of these devices and both stopped working at the same time (after the update).
I did try to re-interview it again (after hard reboot just in case) but got:
The device interview failed. Additional information may be available in the logs.
2025-01-30T07:40:08.385Z CNTRLR [Node 008] Beginning interview - last completed stage: ProtocolInfo
2025-01-30T07:40:08.385Z CNTRLR » [Node 008] pinging the node...
2025-01-30T07:40:08.388Z DRIVER one or more queues busy
2025-01-30T07:40:08.391Z SERIAL » 0x01080013080100251dd5 (10 bytes)
2025-01-30T07:40:08.392Z DRIVER » [Node 008] [REQ] [SendData]
│ transmit options: 0x25
│ callback id: 29
2025-01-30T07:40:08.394Z SERIAL « [ACK] (0x06)
2025-01-30T07:40:08.395Z SERIAL « 0x0104011300e9 (6 bytes)
2025-01-30T07:40:08.396Z SERIAL » [ACK] (0x06)
2025-01-30T07:40:08.398Z DRIVER « [RES] [SendData]
was sent: false
2025-01-30T07:40:08.400Z CNTRLR The controller response indicated failure after 1/3 attempts. Scheduling next
try in 100 ms.
2025-01-30T07:40:08.477Z SERIAL « 0x01160004000b0e3202217400000393000000000000cf00d2 (24 bytes)
2025-01-30T07:40:08.478Z SERIAL » [ACK] (0x06)
2025-01-30T07:40:08.479Z CNTRLR [Node 011] [Meter] value[66049]: metadata updated [Endpoint 0]
2025-01-30T07:40:08.480Z CNTRLR [Node 011] [~] [Meter] value[66049]: 0.915 => 0.915 [Endpoint 0]
2025-01-30T07:40:08.480Z DRIVER « [Node 011] [REQ] [ApplicationCommand]
meter type: Electric
scale: W
rate type: Consumed
value: 0.915
time delta: 0 seconds
2025-01-30T07:40:08.501Z DRIVER » [Node 008] [REQ] [SendData]
│ transmit options: 0x25
│ callback id: 29
2025-01-30T07:40:08.501Z SERIAL » 0x01080013080100251dd5 (10 bytes)
2025-01-30T07:40:08.503Z SERIAL « [ACK] (0x06)
2025-01-30T07:40:08.504Z SERIAL « 0x0104011300e9 (6 bytes)
2025-01-30T07:40:08.504Z SERIAL » [ACK] (0x06)
2025-01-30T07:40:08.504Z DRIVER « [RES] [SendData]
was sent: false
2025-01-30T07:40:08.505Z CNTRLR The controller response indicated failure after 2/3 attempts. Scheduling next
try in 1100 ms.
2025-01-30T07:40:08.516Z SERIAL « 0x011a0004000f12600d010532022134000002a700090000028dbb0028 (28 bytes)
2025-01-30T07:40:08.516Z SERIAL » [ACK] (0x06)
2025-01-30T07:40:08.517Z CNTRLR [Node 015] [Meter] value[66049]: metadata updated [Endpoint 5]
2025-01-30T07:40:08.517Z CNTRLR [Node 015] [~] [Meter] value[66049]: 67.9 => 67.9 [Endpoint 5]
2025-01-30T07:40:08.517Z DRIVER « [Node 015] [REQ] [ApplicationCommand]
│ source: 5
│ destination: 0
meter type: Electric
scale: W
rate type: Consumed
value: 67.9
time delta: 9 seconds
prev. value: 65.3
Just an short update: I did a rollback of HomeAssistant but that messed up the Zwave.js compeletely so I’ve decided to ditch ZWave alltogether and replace the devices with Zigbee/Matter. Zwave has worked perfectly for 13-14 years so I guess it’s just time.