Question about LOG test for upgrade

Hi All,

I did a test before upgrade to latest HA version. Normal I get message: “No problems found” or something like that.
Now I get a LOG file and don’t know what that mean. I see 2 blue lines with a source. Is that the script that will give problems with new version?

      trigger: ?
        - platform: state
          entity_id: ?
            - input_boolean.nest_disable_control
    - action: ?
        - data_template: ?
            temperature: Template("{% set temp2 = states('sensor.dark_sky_temperature') | float %} {% set tempnest2 = states('sensor.entryway_thermostat_target') | float %} {% if temp2 > 16 and tempnest2 > 16 %} 9 {% elif temp2 < 15 and tempnest2 > 14 %} 12 {% else %} 9 {% endif %}")
          entity_id: ?
            - climate.entryway
          service: climate.set_temperature
      alias: Control - Nest Control Goodnight Scene
      condition: ?
        - condition: state
          entity_id: binary_sensor.sensor_manual_family_home
          state: on
        - condition: state
          entity_id: input_boolean.scene_goodnight
          state: on
      hide_entity: False
      trigger: ?
        - platform: state
          entity_id: ?
            - input_boolean.scene_goodnight
          to: on
        - platform: state
          entity_id: ?
            - climate.entryway
    - action: ?
        - data_template: ?
            temperature: Template("{% set tempnest3 = states('sensor.entryway_thermostat_target') | float %} {% if tempnest3 > 11 %} 9 {% else %} 9 {% endif %}")
          entity_id: ?
            - climate.entryway
          service: climate.set_temperature
      alias: Control - Nest Control Nobody Home
      condition: ?
        - condition: state
          entity_id: binary_sensor.sensor_manual_family_home
          state: off
      hide_entity: False
      trigger: ?
        - platform: state
          entity_id: ?
            - binary_sensor.sensor_manual_family_home
          to: off
        - platform: state
          entity_id: ?
            - climate.entryway
    - action: ?
        - data_template: ?
            temperature: Template("{% set temp = states('sensor.dark_sky_temperature') | float %} {% set tempnest = states('sensor.entryway_thermostat_target') | float %} {% if temp > 16 and tempnest > 14 %} 9 {% elif temp < 10 and tempnest < 7 %} 14 {% else %} 9 {% endif %}")
          entity_id: ?
            - climate.entryway
          service: climate.set_temperature
      alias: Control - Nest Control Someone Home
      condition: ?
        - condition: state
          entity_id: binary_sensor.sensor_manual_family_home
          state: on
        - condition: state
          entity_id: input_boolean.scene_goodnight
          state: off
      hide_entity: False
      trigger: ?
        - platform: state
          entity_id: ?
            - binary_sensor.sensor_manual_family_home
          to: on
        - platform: state
          entity_id: ?
            - climate.entryway
    - action: ?
        - data_template: ?
            brightness_pct: Template("{% if (states.binary_sensor.node_20.state) == 'on' %} 20 {% else %} 0 {% endif %}")
            kelvin: Template("4700")
          entity_id: ?
            - light.toilet_all
          service: light.turn_on
      alias: Motion Detection - Toilet On Off
      condition: ?
        - condition: state
          entity_id: input_boolean.scene_goodnight
          state: on
      hide_entity: False
      trigger: ?
        - platform: state
          entity_id: ?
            - binary_sensor.node_20
    - action: ?
        - data: [source /tmp/config/package/automation/control/control_turn_on_off_zwave_4_5.yaml:11]
            entity_id: [source /tmp/config/package/automation/control/control_turn_on_off_zwave_4_5.yaml:12]
              - switch.node_5_switch
              - switch.node_6_switch
              - switch.node_7_switch
          service_template: Template("{% if (states.binary_sensor.sensor_manual_family_home.state) == 'on' %} switch.turn_on {% else %} switch.turn_off {% endif %}")
      alias: Control - Turn On Off Zwave 5,6,7
      hide_entity: False
      trigger: ?
        - platform: state
          entity_id: ?
            - binary_sensor.sensor_manual_family_home

Did a second check and now the log is gone…