I noticed in the release notes the following comment
Template sensors will no longer auto update if we can’t find relevant entities in the template. You’ll want to review your template sensors and consider adding relevant entity_id entries or use the new homeassistant.update_entity service.
So would this be the correct change?
Add - entity_id: zwave.fibaro_motion_backyard
Is the zwave entity the correct entity to add?
Looks like I likely didn’t need to change it because the entity is clearly listed in the template but it can’t hurt to add either way right?
I just updated to 0.81.0 (HassIO) and got the same log entry for the below two sensors. Since these relate to a group of entities (and I’m no good at templates) how would I fix them?
- platform: template # determine if today is selected as a watering day for program 1
value_template: >
{% set sensor_names = [ 'monday', 'tuesday', 'wednesday','thursday','friday','saturday','sunday'] %}
{% set today_name = sensor_names[now().weekday()] %}
{% set entity_id = 'input_boolean.retic_program1_'+today_name %}
{{ is_state(entity_id, 'on') }}
value_template: >
{% set sensor_names = [ 'monday', 'tuesday', 'wednesday','thursday','friday','saturday','sunday'] %}
{% set today_name = sensor_names[now().weekday()] %}
{% set entity_id = 'input_boolean.retic_program2_'+today_name %}
{{ is_state(entity_id, 'on') }}
Based on your code here it looks like you are just setting based on the day of the week from 7 different input_booleans. So if you are getting the warning that the code can’t figure out the correct entities then you can just list them. It will fire when any of them update but the sensor will only update from the correct input boolean so they may fire for update but not change value. For example if the input boolean for monday changes on any day other than monday it will update but not change.