Question about Wemos and Tasmota

I currently don’t own any devices with Tasmota so that is why I wonder.

I have an idea of building a “main switch” with LEDs showing the status of my alarm panel.
What I have in mind is a switch that triggers an automation in Home assistant that turns of all lights and enables the alarm.
Then the LEDs should switch from green to red.

The thing is, can this be one Wemos D1? Because I need the switch to be an input that triggers an automation. Then the LEDs is an output, is that possible?
As far as I understand of the MQTT on Tasmota is that it’s one topic, can that have “subcategories” with the actual pins of the Wemos?

Sorry if this is a very basic question but I have not been able to find any information about it.
Most of the times the tutorials only show how to connect a temperature sensor to it or something like it.

Yes i think ts possible. Maybe the easiest way is using esphome.

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So esphome is better for this?
I have never seen or used that either.

It works well with wemos d1 or esp8266-01.
Flash using esptool,

For example I use it like this (macos): --port /dev/cu.usbserial-14320 write_flash --flash_mode dout 0x00000 ~/Downloads/tasmota.bin

also works fine with espurna --port /dev/cu.usbserial-14320 write_flash --flash_mode dout 0x00000 ~/Download/espurna-1.14.1-espurna-base-1MB.bin

I use an esp8266-01 with tasmota module type Generic (0) and serial communication only connected to an arduino nano.

Then in the console SetOption19=1 for HA-autodiscover.

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Now that I have had some time to look in to it, it seems esphome is a nice tool in home assistant.
Thank you both for your help!