Question from a noob

Hi all,
I’m a newbie to home automation. I have a Smartthings hub which I dislike and will replace with HA.

I inherited a pair of Fibaro RGBW controllers and LED strips which are working fine.

There is just one thing I want to do but dont know how to do it.

With my led strips, i want to have them automatically change color based on the weather high temp prediction for the day, and if it is going snow or rain to pulse/throb/blink/something.

Is this possible with HA, please?

Open to ideas if HA is not the right solution.

Thabk you for your time and help.

Definitely possible. There are plenty of weather options. I like DarkSky, but there are others. Once you get the weather sensors you like, you can create light automations based on the sensors as your trigger.

This should give you a basic idea of how to do it.

Is there a guide/example of how to change the fibaro strip color too?

Sorry for the sophomoric questions. If you can just point me in the right direction, I’ll do my best to get this working.

I have never used the Fibaro stuff but all the Docs live here for different devices and services:

Either type a name in, or down the left had side are the classes such as lights, media player etc