Question on Input Text

I have a question for someone out there.

I am using a few scripts to play announcements on speakers and output them in specific contexts. They are sort of like “announcement profiles” with predefined notification preferences. This saves me setting up the same configuration preferences across a dozen or more automations.

Integrated into this, I also have an input text helper (input_text.message_var) which is what stores the message I need output via speakers or notifications.

Unfortunately, because this helper is used across a dozen or so automations, sometimes the messages get mixed up, especially if two automations (by chance) run at the same time.

Does anyone have any suggestions for preventing such a scenario from happening?

Obviously a solution is just got duplicate actions across multiple profiles. But that is tedious and frankly just making things harder than I feel they need to be.

I’m also open to alternative approaches if anyone has a better way.

Hi vaemarr,

I have created a blueprint to do this.
It may help you with logic to see what I did, or if you like ir just use it.
HA_Blueprints/Scripts/ at d1c15d75a7b5fa3042d60f7eee2d7633ea8a27a3 · SirGoodenough/HA_Blueprints · GitHub.

TY Sir! Much appreciated