Question on logs

I am sorry if this is a newbie question, but I was looking at my logs under developer tab and noticed I get a ton of errors. One being for my Octoprint and two of my printers. I have the Octoprint component installed so I can monitor the sensors of my 3d printesr through Octoprint and so I can create automations for my printer. I have both the raspberry pi and my printer attached to a smart plug and when not printing, both are powered down.
By doing so does that mean my home assistant is constantly flooding my network or slowing down my home assistant by not allowing it to connect to those devices that are powered off by a smart plug?
Also is there a better way that I could set it up?
here is one of the errors:
Updating octoprint sensor took longer than the scheduled update interval 0:00:30

This is how I set it up
api_key: YOUR_API_KEY


  • platform: octoprint
    name: CR10
    • Printing
    • Printing Error
  • platform: octoprint
    name: Ender3
    • Printing
    • Printing Error


  • platform: octoprint
    name: CR10
    • Current State
    • Temperatures
    • Job Percentage
    • Time Remaining
  • platform: octoprint
    name: Ender3
    • Current State
    • Temperatures
    • Job Percentage
    • Time Remaining

HA isnt Incinga or PRTG.

Mostly all my custom Sensors are mqtt based.
Sensors that are not always reporting their status reports with retain.

That way - if the sensor is unaviable it doesnt harm - you just need to add some scripts to report your states over mqtt - while you using the printer.

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Thanks, I will look into changing them to MQTT. Just so I understand, By doing it my way I could be over burden my system because it is always trying to connect to sensors that are offline. Thanks for the reply.