Disclaimer: I know about Schedy but have not looked into it yet.
Hear me out. The usecase is as follows:
I have a script outside HA that can read my analog water meter and send an mqtt msg to HA. Recently I added an mqtt client next to it so HA can trigger the capture as well.
At this moment I just use a cronjob to do a capture once every hour.
What I would like to have is doing a more dynamic capture. i.e. if there is a water increase, do another capture in 5 or 10 minutes. If there is no water increase, do the capture in 30 minutes. Still no water increase? Do 1 hour. Still nothing? Keep 1 hour intervals.
How would you be able to accomplish something like this in through Automations? I guess in AppDaemon this would be relatively easy.
I haven’t tried to do anything like this with any of my automations but I think you could if you added an input_number or input_select (I chose to use input_number in my example). You would also need to add a timer. With those things in place I think something like this should work:
- alias: Collect Water Usage
id: 'collect_water_usage'
- platform: event
event_type: timer.finished
entity_id: timer.collect_water_usage_interval
- service: {{ use this one to collect your water usage }}
- service: input_number.set_value
entity_id: input_number.collect_water_usage_interval
value: "
{%- if senorValue <= currentWaterUsage -%}
{%- if states.input_number.collect_water_usage_interval.state | int == 5 -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- if states.input_number.collect_water_usage_interval.state | int == 30 -%}
{%- endif -%}
{% else -%}
{%- if states.input_number.collect_water_usage_interval.state | int != 5 -%}
{%- endif -%}
{% endif %}"
- service: timer.start
entity_id: timer.collect_water_usage_interval
duration: "00:{{ states.input_number.collect_water_usage_interval.state | int }}:00"