Hi, I have home assistant OS installed and installed the node red add on. This is a new install so pretty basic/vanilla.
Every guide/tutorial etc that I follow for node-red the nodes look different to what I see and I cant seem to get the nodes to do anything.
For example when I add the MQTT node and configure the MQTT broker and then deploy the flow I dont get a green connected icon, I dont get any icon at all. If I connect the MQTT node to a debug I get absolutely nothing.
The same applies for HA nodes, if I use current status for example and connect this to a debug node, I dont get anything.
The node reg logs show “connecting to undefined” “connected to undefined” nothing more
Am I missing some kind of step to get nodes to start trying to work / connect etc?
Not long time ago (a few months) I saw a discussion with the same simptoms: no node status as well as no debug. It seemed to be issues between HA and NR.
I cannot help you more since I’m using older HA. but if you find mentioned thread, maybe it already contains the solution.
Thanks for the replies and sorry for the delay, I was expecting an email notification if there was a reply.
Yes the HA server is configured and if I type into the fields they autocomplete with valid entities etc from HA so its clearly communicating in some manner.
The problem I dont think lies with HA at all but rather NR as it doesnt matter what nodes I use (MQTT ec) there is no node status
I resolved my issue by removing the add on
navigating to \config
deleting the node-red directory
re-installing the add on
worked straight away
something that was different about my first install and my second install is that the first time around when I attempted to start it I hadnt changed ssl: true to false before starting it, received an error, corrected it and then started again
second install I remembered to change it to false before the first start
maybe on first start it writes some config files or something that dont get properly updated after changing the config?
ssl just started working again in the last update, an update or 2 before that, ssl was not working for direct access. You can enable ssl and use your HA user and password for direct access.