Question regarding Zigbee2MQTT stable and edge

Hi. I have just migrated from Deconz to Zigbee2MQTT addon (stable version), but it seems that Z2M is missing some features which it should have and im thinking about switching to Z2M-edge again.
Im wondering how much both addons are behind the official release?
And if its possible to switch between those addons while preserving all the settings (paired devices, device names changed through HomeAssistant UI, groups, bindings) and if not, which settings would i lose during the swtich?

AFAIK you can switch between the two with no loss of settings (obviously mirroring the config so settings don’t get overwritten), but you must make sure to disable Watchdog and autostart on the one you’re not using.

There’s not much of a delay between the zigbee2mqtt release and the addon being updated.

What features are you missing in the current stable version out of interest?

Edge tracks latest commit in dev branch for Z2M whilte stable tracks latest stable release. The difference between stable and edge depends on how many things are in development for Z2M.

Currently from an add-on perspective, the difference between stable and edge is that edge now has experimental support for the new experimental frontend.

Im looking for support for my Centralite 3400 which apparently was merged a while ago, but when i pair it, im still getting a message that this device is not supported by Zigbee2MQTT.

One more thing, if i gonna change an adapter im using with Zigbee2MQTT (currently im on Conbee II but the signals seem to be weaker than they were on Deconz), while preserving the network key, will i need to repair all the devices?

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The device was added here as you already saw.
That is part of 12.0.170 of the converters.

Which made it master here

Which means this should be part of 1.14.4

If it is not working it means you device might be slightly different.

You can try to add and test support by youself using: Using external_converters docs from

Release notes mention 3400-D

Debug logs help