Questions on Migrating Configuration from Docker to HA Blue (ODROID-N2+)


Looking for the easiest way to migrate my installation from docker to my Home Assistant Blue. I attempted to just grab the config directory, but find myself challenged with moving it to the ODROID-N2+. I’m able to connection to the terminal, but not sure how the commands work to copy the folder over (I believe it is "ha os import [flags], but couldn’t find information on the flags). I would consider starting from scratch, but I don’t want to rebuild my zwave network from scratch.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

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Guess I’ll answer my own question here for reference to anyone else. Admins, you can delete if you like.

Migrating from Docker to HA Blue

  • tar config directory used with container
  • Startup HA Blue (using the tar for a snapshot will not work)
  • Install SSH plugin
  • Load SSH in UI
  • SCP tar file from old machine to new machine
  • Copy files to /config (backup the directory just in case)
  • Reload HA

Note that with these instructions, if you have a custom Lovelace dashboard, that will disappear. Probably missed something, but at least this will get you back to where you need to go. (Looking to fix dashboard and migrate from zwave to openzwave)