Radiator Thermostat

I have some issues with a Nexa ZRT-106 Z-Wave Radiator Thermostat, which actually is an Everspring AC301 Radiator Thermostat. At the end of this post, I have put the State Attributes of the climate entity pulled from the State Page of the Developer Tools.

I am struggling with figuring out if there is an issue the HA implementation of the Z-Wave thermostat or if the problem lies with the device itself.

The thermostat, according to the documentation, supports the following functions:

  • Report the measured temperature through the Z-Wave protocol.
  • Select between the operating modes “Heat” and “Economy Heat”, each with their min and max temperatures. And of course, the “Off” mode which turns the thermostat off.
  • Set target temperature, either with buttons on the device, or though Z-Wave command

So far, the only thing that works fully is the first function. The second only works party, and the third one not at all.

  1. Temperature
    When I set the target temperature with the buttons on the thermostat I receive an event in the Z-Wave log which looks correct according to the Z-Wave standard. However, HA does not pick it up.
    When I set the target temperature from HA using the Developer Tools to call climate.set_temperature nothing happens. Nothing in the HA log, nothing in the Z-Wave log.

  2. Changing the mode
    When I change the operating mode between Heat and Energy Heat on the buttons on the thermostat, I can see the changes in the Z-Wave log, where the mode is named “Heat” or “Heat Econ”. The user interface is also updated to reflect this.
    When I change the operating mode from HA using the Developer Tools, the only two options that works is either “Heat” or “Off”. When trying “Heat Econ” I get the error “value is not allowed for dictionary value @ data[‘hvac_mode’]”. This of course makes sense, as in the device data (included below) “Heat” and “Off” are the only two values in that list. From where does the allowed values originate? From the device itself when it reports its capabilities through the Z-Wave protocol, or is this build into HA?

  3. Print Node in Z-Wave control panel
    When I select the device in the Z-Wave control panel and select Print Node, the Z-Wave log prints 55 rows stating: “Warning, Exception: Manager.cpp:2499 - 102 - ValueID passed to GetValueFloatPrecision is not a Decimal Value”

Best regards,

Developer Tools State printout for the climate entity:
- ‘off’
- heat
min_temp: 7
max_temp: 35
- Heat Econ
- none
current_temperature: 22.5
temperature: null
preset_mode: none
node_id: 5
value_index: 0
value_instance: 1
value_id: ‘72057594127056900’
friendly_name: ‘Everspring Unknown: type=0015, id=0001 Mode’
supported_features: 17

Hi @jonassam. I’m in the exact same situation. Not easy to find much information regarding this device. Did you ever get the Thermostat to work properly?

Well, it turns out that this is not really the place to handle this. It rather needs to be added to the Open Z-wave component used by HA (http://www.openzwave.com/). I haven’t really go around to look into this any further, though.

One thing to note is that Nexa seems to be using Everspring hardware and just rebranding it. So there should be other brands out there using the same hardware I guess.

Best regards,