Radiator Valve - Dumb, but remote controlled

Hi everyone! I’m quite new to this activity, and my motivation is to reduce my heating bills somewhat, but I am enjoying the opportunity to use my previously learned skills for a new application!

I am looking for radiator valves which I can control through home assistant, but ideally directly without having an additional system in between HA and the valve. Ideally it would have the ability to command a set point between open and closed, and to report the current state. There is no need for any built in “intelligence” - I will make my own PID control to manage the temperature. I don’t want to a thermometer function - I am planning room stats to manage that - I think the positioning of the room stats would be more effective than on the end of the radiator.
I saw one example of a home modified valve on here which looks good, and if necessary I will consider going down that route, but if one of the commercial offerings works then I will give it consideration!

Many thanks!