Radio Thermostat CT80 Cannot Set Temperature at Unit

I have a Radio Thermostat CT80 hooked up to Home Assistant using Z-Wave. I can control the unit from Home Assistant, but when I try and chance the temperature at the unit itself it will stay at the temperature I set. Basically it will change the temperature and if it goes past the current temperature it will kick on the heat or cooling. The problem is it will always switch back to the temperature it was previous set to. The only way I can set the temperature is using Home Assistant. I did run it on the WiFi module for a while, but I never had that issue with the WiFi module. I am guessing Home Assistant is sending commands to the unit to reset it back to a different temperature while I am trying to manual set it.

Is there a way to stop it from doing that? Has anyone else ran into this issue?

I had the same problem with my CT100 plus. I had to put it in simple mode in the z-wave settings.

Not sure if it the same with your model.

I really hope that isn’t the case, I don’t like the Simple UI Mode.