Raspberry Pi 3B + DHT22 remote sensor

I have a Raspberry PI 3B and a DHT22 (AM2302) temp/humidity sensor laying around doing nothing. I would like to get Temp and humidity data from my water-room (small area in basement where pump, water treatment, hot water tank, etc. are located) that has some humidity issues I would like to start working on. Lots of tutorials on wiring the sensor to the Pi, not a lot on getting the Pi to talk to my HA server (dedicated x86/64 intel system running supervised). Are there recommended Pi OSs that connect to an HA server relatively easily (locally avoiding cloud)? I have SOME Diet Pi experience, a little Node-Red, and MQTT is a “here be dragons” area for me, but I’m willing to give it a shot. If there is an all-in-one Pi image out there that would jump start my project that users here have had success with?