My Pi Zero W running Homebridge and Mosquitto ran out of disk space today. My daemon.log file was enormous. I purged the log with rm and restarted the Pi.
When the Pi ran out space Homebridge and Mosquitto both stopped working. When I check the status of these services:
sudo systemctl status homebridge
sudo systemctl status mosquitto
I can see that both services are running green and no errors are being reported, however, I still cannot connect to either.
If, however, I go and manually run them then I’m able to connect to them both.
What has happened? Any ideas? I’m at a loss. Pi and service restarts seem to do nothing.
I can’t help with homebridge, but can you be a bit more specific about what you are doing to try to connect to mosquitto and what happens? It is difficult to diagnose without more information.
Thanks for your reply! What I meant was if I manually ran homebridge and mosquitto in the terminal then I could connect. However, if I let the services run, the system.d services, then I could see the services were alive, I could tail their logs, but I could not connect to them via their running ports.
I was able to resolve this, however. For homebridge I just reinstalled the application and that seemed fine. For Mosquitto, though, I dug a bit deeper and found I was able to resolve the issue by running:
sudo systemctl enable mosquitto
I’m not sure what this did to resolve the issue. Like I mentioned I was able to see the mosquitto service in a running state before doing this but running enable made it possible to connect to MQTT via the running service.