Raspbian Stretch, Hassbian, Hass.io and Lirc support? Its a trap!

Hey there,
Since its needed to get the new python running to be prepared for the next updates, i thought about getting from AIO Installer to Hassbian or HASS.IO which are the new standard methods of installing HomeAssistant after AIO is deprecated.
But during my tests i get to an problem, to which i hope u all can help me clarify the issue: Whats about Lirc with Rasbian Stretch, HASS.IO and HASSBIAN - it seems that there isn’t any real support yet and Lirc won’t start working at all neither with the old2new config script nor are there any supported plugins for HASS.IO yet.

Does anyone else has the same problem or an solution for this problem?
Are there any workarounds yet - e.g. using raspbian stretch with the old Lirc or unofficial HASS.IO Plugins or something like that?

I really need your help community, don’t know how to stay future safe without using my lirc in home assistant till i nearly use it all the time to turn on TV:/

I’m still running Raspbian Jessie, having used the AIO installer, and I simply upgraded my Python environment.

It takes a while, around a couple of hours all in, to prepare the new environment. The time required for the actual switch between the old and new is about the same as any upgrade of HA.

That avoids any concerns with breaking Lirc, and gets you onto a supported Python version.

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I use raspbian stretch lite and hassbian. Both are headless and only for me to use HA.
AIO is my first start 4 months ago to try HA, then Hass.io, I found quite difficult for me to use as I am new to raspberry pi, linux and HA. That time most of the help and all components I found are for linux mainly raspbian. So a month later I change to hassbian because it no desktop gui and I don’t need to use. I found that Raspbian and Hassbian are the same. The way to update or upgrade even use the same config of HA.


so short feedback for all searching for an solution on the same topic: i managed to get the ir remote running with command line and lirsend but the home-assistant lirc component still doesn’t work, but its possible to manage to get the commands working.
Installation method was a new sd with raspbian stretch + home assistant installation method for raspbian.

following your advise, I also reinstalled Raspbian Jessie, then manually installed Home assistant and lirc.
Now, the system is almost perfect. Only I need to run
sudo lircd --device /dev/lirc0
every time the system have booted. Anyone know how to make the command autostart?

Add the following to the end of /etc/rc.local

/path/to/lircd --device /dev/lirc0

You can find the path to lircd by typing which lircd

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It works perfectly. Thanks.