Not sure if this is the right place to discuss but does anyone have experience using the Raumfeld multi room media players?
I am thinking about upgrading my >10 years old Squeezebox-based multi room audio system. Sonos is not an alternative since I want physical preset buttons on the device (e.g. for quickly tuning in to a radio station).
I found the German Raumfeld devices ( and they seem to fit my needs. There is even Python libraries which might make it easy to integrate with HA: and
Any users out there that want to share their experience?
Any experiences so far with Raumfeld? I found your topic and the python libraries, when thinking about how to integrate my Raumfeld One in HA.
Installing the “raumfeld” package for python and running the file worked on my computer: The device is found in my network and information about ip, mac-adress and name are returned.
What to do next in HA??
I returned my Raumfeld device and decided to stay with my Squeezebox setup, since I still haven’t found any alternative that beats the setup. Will revise in a year or so.
The next step for you would be to clone the Home Assistant git repository, and set up a build environment. Then you could take a look at the implementations inside the components/media_player directory (squeezebox, sonos, etc) to see how they integrate into HA.