RB-SRAIN01 Recognised as a movement sensor

Hi all,
I’ve tried to set up a Zigbee rain detector: RB-SRAIN01

My problem is: when I set it up using zigbee2mqtt, the device only proposes 2 options: movement and opening… which is absolutely not what it is meant for.

Any ideas why it was set up this way?

What version of Z2M are you running?

I have Zigbee2MQTT version 2.0.0-1

It should be supported Tuya RB-SRAIN01 control via MQTT | Zigbee2MQTT

I would try deleting it and then re-pair.

Or you can try the instructed steps here https://smarthomescene.com/reviews/tuya-zigbee-solar-rain-sensor-rb-srain01-review/

Thanks for taking time to help!

I’m a bit confused, because I already found both links.
I did the deleting/re-pair action 4 times, with 2 different devices (and twice right after updating Z2M): the device is always seen with “opening” and “movement” entities, nothing related to water or anything alike.

And also tried the trick with the external converter twice, but didn’t work either.
I’m not very familiar with this, but in the source code he wrote things about “water_leak” (because the sensor is at first a water leak detector) that is converted to “drop detection”.
But when setting up, I never even see anything about “water leak”.
The only entities I see are:

  • battery (which seems to be indicating a battery level)
  • update
  • LQI
  • RSSI
  • movement
  • opening

I have the same issue. I’ve tried to unpair and pair several times with the same result.

Any idea?