(re)naming calendar entities added using CalDev

Probably I am just missing something exceptionally obvious. But how can I rename entities created using the CalDev integration?

I used to have Google Calendar integrated and added an Apple Cloud Calendar integration using CalDev. In both I had a similar named ‘Gezin’ calendar and now the one for Apple is called gezin_3 from the looks of it. I have since removed the Google Calendar integration.

When I search for the entity I find 3 and only the last one seems to be the actual calendar (as it’s returning a result for the next event in the agenda).

Screenshot 2022-06-05 at 11.33.26

My config looks as such:

  # Calendar
  - platform: caldav
    url: https://caldav.icloud.com
    username: [redacted]
    password: !secret apple_icloud_key
      - "Gezin"