Reach device behind proxy

I am running home assistant in Docker on a vps.
I am happy with this configuration and with the appropriate components I can do almost anything.

At home I have a rpi 1 version.
The server and the rpi communicate each other using zerotier; indeed some of my custom home sensor send data to rpi and it will forward them to mqtt running on the vps.

The problem is that i have some devices e.g. chromecast and yeelight which can be only used with a direct connection, using their ip.

So, i’d like to access them from the server.
The proper way is to configure rpi as a zerotier bridge, but I tried and it didn’t work (I mean the bridge).

Do you have any solution?

It is possibile to tell home assistant to reach just some device using a proxy (so, the rpi)?



or run HA on the pi and link the two HA instances.

i can’t run ha on pi cause it is too weak.
VPN is an option, but I have other things on the server, so I can do that only if a find a way to have only ha connected to vpn, leaving the other apps on the server connected to internet directly.
It is possible?

Perhaps get a pi3?

ahah but then it isn’t funny :smiley: