I have some Ikea tradfri bulbs. It seems to me, the read back of the brightness is wrong only in if-conditions.
When I set the brightness to 50%, the device info also shows 50%. But when I want to test if it has below 90, the condition does not meet. I have to test against 150.
Example of a “3 step dimmer” with one button. The button shall simply toggle between off, 50%, 100%.
This is the automatisation which works after try and error. But I don’t understand why I cannot test for “brightness below 90” after I set the brightness to 50%
> alias: Wohnzimmerlampe ein.aus
> description: ""
> triggers:
> - device_id: c5350b333eeb34791e1d6576308a6d3f
> domain: zha
> type: remote_button_short_press
> subtype: turn_on
> trigger: device
> conditions: []
> actions:
> - if:
> - condition: device
> type: is_off
> device_id: e25b846e1f75d3fe817900b53ac0086d
> entity_id: 43f726e252a4505bd3e7e04c902c47d6
> domain: light
> enabled: true
> then:
> - action: light.turn_on
> metadata: {}
> data:
> brightness_pct: 50
> target:
> device_id:
> - e25b846e1f75d3fe817900b53ac0086d
> - 907a1b2a368018b80ab80ba3bb67dfc8
> - 2e7f22c1c0d8dafe01d92b362f2199b1
> else:
> - if:
> - condition: numeric_state
> entity_id: light.deckenlampe_1_leuchte
> attribute: brightness
> below: 150
> above: 1
> then:
> - action: light.turn_on
> metadata: {}
> data:
> brightness_pct: 100
> target:
> device_id:
> - e25b846e1f75d3fe817900b53ac0086d
> - 907a1b2a368018b80ab80ba3bb67dfc8
> - 2e7f22c1c0d8dafe01d92b362f2199b1
> else:
> - action: light.turn_off
> metadata: {}
> data: {}
> target:
> device_id:
> - e25b846e1f75d3fe817900b53ac0086d
> - 907a1b2a368018b80ab80ba3bb67dfc8
> - 2e7f22c1c0d8dafe01d92b362f2199b1
> mode: single