Read JSON file into sensor

I have a json file on my computer - in the config folder along with my config yaml etc…
I was thinking I could use a restful sensor to read that in but that only seems to read from a URL.

Is there any way to read from a file instead of a url?

You could create a python script to read it and then send it to a mqtt topic

I could do the whole thing in python but I don’t know python.
I am currently using a bash script to get the data and publish to mqtt but this could be a problem for a hassio user who can’t access mosquitto_pub

You could use your bash script to call curl and POST the sensor state directly to HA using a long-lived access token.

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Ah… that is worth investigating! Thanks for that tip. Didn’t even think of that.

Well!!! That WORKED… Who would have thought! Thanks so much!

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Hi David !

Can you share your solution ? I’m also interested in reading json file data and use it as sensor

Have a look at my scripts here


I have the same situation where the following datafile needs to be read into a sensor in order to be used in the ApexxCharts Card. If you have been successful to accomplish this could you give me a lead how to go about. I’m totally alien to python.


Appreciate your guidance!

Have you been able to work this out and if so willing to provide some guidance?