Rec-Tec Wifi Grill Control

HA is trying to be helpful; perhaps overly so. Try now.

Seems to work great! Didn’t test the probes but the grill temp reporting and adjusting works as expect.


I used it again last night with the probes and it works as expected. I can view all my temps and adjust the grill right from my Google Assistant screen in the kitchen. Great job!

Happy to help.

Just installed it and got it up and running, seeing some strange stuff but will get back to you on that. :slight_smile:

But awesome job so far!!!

Has anyone had luck finding API info with iOS device? I followed the instructions here but cannot find the required info for the smoker.

I love your recteq app. It’s the main way I interact with my grill. The last two times I’ve checked my home assistant logs I’ve noticed there is a warning for the recteq service : “No ‘version’ key in the manifest file for custom integration ‘recteq’. This will not be allowed in a future version of Home Assistant. Please report this to the maintainer of ‘recteq’”

I’m not sure what is involved to address the issue but I sure hope you have the time to be able to before home assistant makes the version key a firm requirement.

Thanks again for the fantastic integration!

Will take a look hopefully sometime this week.

Thank you all for the work on this integration, I want to provide an update on how to integrate and find the key for iOS-based app.

  1. As the Recteq app is Tuya-based, it is possible to directly link to a Tuya-based app such as SmartLife. Pairing the smoker with the SmartLife app is simple using the generic wifi device class found in the app. The interface on the app is clean and works well. It may be possible then to use the Tuya integration in HA to integrate (not tested). This may be the easiest way to proceed without having to find the key. In order to find the key for this Recteq integration, it is also necessary to pair the smoker to the SmartLife app, at least temporarily .
  2. To use this Recteq integration, as mentioned in multiple posts, will need the IP address, device ID and local key. Finding the local key via android has been described previously.3. For iOS and other devices, need to create a Tuya developer account and utilize the python scripts tuyapower and tinytuya. This process is described nicely and in detail:

Some nuances I learned that may be helpful:

  • Install Python3 and dependencies, I am working on MacOS.
  • Run tuyapower and if the devices are inside your network, should find them with IP addresses, device ID and possibly a status as well as version (3.1, 3,3)
    *Pair your SmartLife app with your developer account
    *Using the API code and secret from Tuya developer account as well as the deviceID (just need one of them if multiple), run tinytuya and you should see all tuyadevices with the local key.
    *Now you should have the smoker local key and can directly integrate the info into this HA integration.

Then it is up to you if you wish to remove from SmartLife, reload into the Recteq app etc. At this point doesn’t matter as will be integrated into HA.

Much thanks to Jason for his troubleshooting help!

Has anyone figured out how to just run the fan only without having to touch the controller?

Not sure it is possible. These seem to be the components that are available for control and info and I don’t see fan control:

    "devId": "##################", \\ 20 character device ID, not clear if its unique or same for all RecTecs
    "dps": {
        "1": false,   \\ "Power", bool, rw, True if on, False if off
        "102": 275,   \\ "Set_temp", number, rw, Target ("Set Point") temperature
        "103": 0,     \\ "Actual_temp", number, ro, Current ("Actual") temperature
        "104": 60,    \\ "Min_Feedrate", number, rw, Minimum feeding amount, 60 = 6.0%
        "105": 112,   \\ "Food_temp1", number, ro, "Probe A" temperature
        "106": 107,   \\ "Food_temp2", number, ro, "Probe B" temperature
        "107": 0,     \\ "Temp_adjust", number, rw, "Temperature Calibration"
        "108": false, \\ "Temp_unit", bool, ro, unavailable
        "109": false, \\ "ER1_alarm", bool, ro
        "110": false, \\ "ER2_alarm", bool, ro
        "111": false  \\ "ER3_alarm", bool, ro

Bummer. So this would be something they would have to surface to the app first?

More than likely it has to do with the ESP GPIO programming/capabilities they use to connect their board to wifi.

Not sure if it has something to do with the version key in the manifest file but the integration no longer loads with HA version 2021.6, it was working fine up to this version.

Simple fix I guess. Just had to add a version number to the manifest.json file in the custom_components/recteq folder. Hadn’t ran into this problem yet with my other custom components so didn’t realize the fix was pretty simple.

  "domain": "recteq",
  "name": "Recteq",
  "version": "v0.0.4",
  "documentation": "",
  "issue_tracker": "",
  "dependencies": [],
  "after_dependencies": [],
  "codeowners": ["@pdugas"],
  "requirements": [
  "config_flow": true

Yes the last few versions of HA warned about needing it, the latest one enforces it. I put a pull request in to add the version sting about a week and a half ago. Just needs to be merged.

Any thoughts as to why the rectec integration is not appearing in the configuration>Integration after loading the repository via HACS and rebooting? I also updated the manifest.json to include the version.


Anything new with this? Do the newer grills like B380X have support? I noticed the android cache folder doesnt have anything in it so i guess that means no easy key access. Dont want to pair with Tuya if it doesnt work anyways.

I recommend trying out the LocalTuya approach since this is all archived. Checkout this gist and this thread which have some great details.