Recalculation in Grafana?


I am using Home Assistant 2022.4.5 as a virtual machine. I added Grafana and Influx and it is working really nice so far.

Now I want to have two data sources in a single graph. One ranges from 0 to 1 and the other from 0 to 100. Obviously the first one is not good to recon…I would like to do a “divide by 100” for the second so both can be seen properly in the graph.

I checked for Grafana to do recalculation and found something like transformation but did not succeed in understanding if this helps.

Anyone having a clue how to do?
And no, I do not want to do the calculation in HA as it should get the correct value…

Thnaks for ideas!

No need to do that. Add an override for one of the sensors, Axis → Placement → Right.

This way you get two scales on the same graph, one on the left and one on the right hand side.


thanks for this! Yes, this is what I was looking for.

Just as a minor issue the description of the green one now is on the right, too. But that is not serious.


You can put them in a table like this (with or without statistics) if you want:

Screenshot 2022-04-27 at 22-57-38 Grafana – Home Assistant


ok, working, too. MEanwhile I found the way to do the calculation. I am surprised it appears to be so easy. Just add the math to the SELECT statement. See below: