Recommend high load wifi dimmer


I bought a bunch of Feit wifi dimmers from Costco. I love them, and the wife has approved the looks! However, in my basement I have 7 can lights controlled by a switch. The Feit dimmer is only rated for 150W LED/450W incandescent. Does anyone know of a higher load wifi dimmer that looks similar/same as the Feit? There is a white circle in the middle of the lower paddle. 5 LED lights above to show dimmer level. Bottom paddle is raised higher than upper paddle. Dimmer controls on right.


7 can lights with what, 100W incandescent bulbs? Most 6-7inch can lights in my area use a sub 10W LED bulb, or at most a 60W incandescent. 10x7 < 100, and 60x7 < 450, and if you have 100W bulbs you are paying for energy instead of efficient bulbs. The best solution (WAF a priority), is get LED bulbs for those cans. Unless, of course, you are in california, where some of us had to install ridiculously inefficient and expensive florescent only cans to comply with title-24 laws. In that case, the accepted solution is move to another state (and take those switches with you… they’ll be outlawed there soon anyways). :laughing:

Those switches do look nice btw!


I think you are approaching this from the wrong angle. The average light bulb life cost is calculated based on 3 hours a day, so ramp up / down according to what you think your usage will be. (try to be realistic)
The following are UK costs
An old tungsten bulb 60W on this basis costs £11.32 per year
(this is bulb costs amortised over its life (lamp hours) and energy consumed)
An LED bulb (I use Ikea ledare dimmable (more expensive than some others but less flakey or flicker over a greater range of lumination) costs £1.82 so the £8 per bulb cost (worst case) is covered in the first year. The 1600 lumen (i don’t actually use any of these, too bright) consumes 16W (I use 11W and smaller) so you could run 9 big ones under your dimmer. And save money as well.

Edit: Cross posted with trug

I think i have a bad switch. I looked and they are 10watt LEDs. So they should only be 70w, well within spec.

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Those are fantastic smart dimmers, and I installed 16 of them in my house. I had the same situation in my kitchen. I replaced ALL can lights with retrofit LEDs, Costco has them for about $10 a 2-pack. They’re much nicer looking, and I’m sure the wife would approve :slight_smile:… at least mine did. The price tends to vary, they should be cheaper this time around, and they’re also made by Feit."-retrofit%2C-6-pack.product.100416612.html