Hello, first post.
I have been using Vera for a very long time and bit the bullet 2 months ago, installed home assistant on a Pi, added zwave stick on it and added all my devices to home assistant and I love it.
That gave me an idea to use it at the school I work at. I know it is called home assistant and not work assistant…but I thought I would ask. I am thinking of adding around 100 thermostats, the Venstar Explorer Mini T2150 seems like a good choice, and I was wondering if there is a limit or if anyone else has undertaken something like this.
Besides the thermostats, I would also like to expand to light switches like the Kasa Smart Light Switch.
I don’t see why HA wouldn’t handle this, but…
You won’t be at the school forever. Who will maintain the system when you leave? You had better plan on writing a very detailed user manual.
If tasked with this, I would put HA on an Intel NUC and set up an automation to purge the database periodically. This way it could run for years without any intervention.
Daily snapshots to an external NAS.
Only use devices that are not connected to the cloud.
Most important- do not mix technologies. Again, you have no clue how technically capable your replacement will be. This means, don’t have Sonoff Minis in some room light switch boxes, Shelly’s in others, and Z-wave in yet others.
I know nothing about this thermostat, but if it requires a cloud subscription, then it would be a no-go for me.