I am on the hunt for a lock for an outdoor gate lock. There are mechanical combination locks that suit this application but if I can, I’d really like something that could be monitored by HA using Zigbee or Tasmota. I have a large ZWave installation but I don’t see anything that would be suitable.
The gate has an aluminum frame and a boxed in area (5x8x1.5") to house the lock and latch. This will need to be a North American style lever lock that latches when the door closes. Similar to how a simple passage or privacy lock set operates. Being in a wet area also cuts out many options. The size of the mortise can’t be more than 60mm.
The fingerprint reading locks are very cool but for an outdoor application may not be reliable, but if waterproof, priced well and they have Zigbee I think I’d try it out.
Your thoughts and suggestions appreciated.