Recommended motion sensors

Anybody know of decent motion sensors that work with Home assistant but doesnt require a hub.

As far as I know, all motion sensors require some kind of ‘hub’
- Wifi motion sensors require a Wifi access point
- Zigbee motion sensors require a Zigbee coordinator (stick or hub)
- Zwave motion sensors require a zwave stick or zwave hub
- Rf433 Motion sensors require a Sonoff rf bridge, rflink or rtlrfx

I went through the same thinking and for what it’s worth I went for Xiaomi Aquara zigbee motion sensors. They’re often discounted heavily on sites like Gearbest, AliExpress and Banggood.

I went with a Conbee 2 stick.

Decided against wifi sensors because I didn’t want to clutter up my network with potentially insecure devices and be tied to 3rd part apps and services.

Still on the lookout for a decent outdoor zigbee motion sensor though.

I use an IKEA motion sensor outdoor. It is rated IP44.

Thats great thank you for the comments will look into each.

How did you get on? What did you opt for in the end?

How have you found the Aqara sensors?

Do you use them for lights at all?